Believe in Yourself- Grow Much More Stronger Than You Think

Tehseen Shaikh
4 min readSep 3, 2020
Photo by Eddie Kopp on Unsplash

Why is it that we don’t believe in ourselves? and that as soon as things get tough in our lives, we start doubting ourselves, we start thinking that we are not gonna make it. Stressing, worrying, imagining the things that may go wrong in the future. In our lifetime, we all go through a situation wherein we think we are not worth anything. And the root cause of this thought is majorly the people around us who continuously make us feel that. But in all this, we should never stop believing in ourselves. The thoughts in us are the main reason, especially negative thoughts that keep draining our energy levels to merely think of something purposeful.

Most times our Thoughts are not Reality. We spend our precious time worrying about things that can never come into existence or have very few chances to be a reality. But we still keep on watering those thoughts and make our day and life a hell.

Thoughts become beliefs and beliefs create habits. And these habits can never make us happy if the basic source is wrong. So take a look at your thoughts before you start a new habit to make sure it did not come from any negativity or any criticism. Do what makes you feel good. You are alone going to stay with a habit and keep it going so what that habit makes you feel is important not what it makes others feel.

Learn to accept things instead of expecting. Expectations are one of the worst enemies we all have with us. As soon as our expectations are not met, we lose, we become arrogant, we lose our ability to think good. There are some things we just can’t change about ourselves and that’s a good thing. Let go of that need to change ourselves for someone. We are unique on this planet so be proud of that uniqueness. Many of us fail to believe our thoughts or share it as an opinion for others. This merely happens due to the environments we stay and the people who constantly disheartens you.

Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

Although starting the journey of believing in yourself can bring wonders in your life. It makes you feel alive when you support your thoughts instead of following others to get something in return. “Right” if supported by only 1 person is Right whereas “Wrong” even if followed by 100’s of people is Wrong. As John Steinbeck says “An unbelieved truth can hurt a man much more than a lie. It takes great courage to back truth unacceptable to our times. There’s a punishment for it, and it’s usually crucifixion.”

The problems in our life are mainly caused due to negative thoughts and negative emotions that we believe to an extent where it is been shown to the world through our actions. A human mind is a powerful tool on earth so we need to take control of the direction of our mind and our emotions. It can easily take over your actions, your thoughts, and your words keeping long-lasting effects on our body. Your mind is always going to throw challenges upon you. If you can conquer your mind, you can pretty much conquer anything around you. Surrounding yourself with the comfort that you provide is always better than a discomfort that your loved one provides. Invest your time and life in yourself and people who have always shown up their faces (without being in close touch) whenever you needed them the most as those are the people that expect nothing from you and make you fall in love with yourself again.

The world is going to make you feel down so that they could feel higher, it is going to discourage you no matter what good you do. You are the only person who is going to stand for any situation in your life or when things are tough. So how you feel from within matter far more than anything else because that’s what is going to get you the results and that’s when your character will shine, that’s when your story will be born. You must not give up in your journey. Go beyond things that stops you now. Think beyond, Love beyond and Live beyond to create the best of change to yourself. There will be hurdles, there will be naysayers and then there will be you who will prove them wrong. It will take time but it will surely be worth at the end. Life is really beautiful. Stay alive to create your own success story rather than just listening to others story.

Photo by Heather Ford on Unsplash

When you start believing something, you tend to create a bond with yourself. A bond that makes you realize that you are stronger than you think, which makes you trust yourself. And the more you trust yourself, the less you compare yourself with others. Not having the need to compare yourself or compete with anyone is the key to a happy and successful life. That is the point where you truly live for yourself and for the standards that you have built. Build a difference in this indifferent world. Bring out your true colors and grow stronger every day than you really are. Anything is possible if you Just Believe.

When writing the story of your life, make sure you hold the pen. Be brave enough to write the script from your heart.



Tehseen Shaikh

Writer on Spirituality | Emotional Intelligence | Self Transformation | Health and Fitness. Author of Blog